Hi, I’m Ryan T Heath...

Welcome to my about page...

You will realise I am not some guru nor to a profess to be... I'm just a normal person who has ups & downs just like you... whilst navigating through life! I have learnt how to lose weight the hard way! I'll share best ways to help with this whilst trying to have a bit of fun and a laugh on the journey!

The Struggles


"I used to struggle with my weight and the way I looked and felt mentally. I was actually obese at one point without even realising & veering towards deadly diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.

For years I worked in desk-bound job and muddled through the minefield of nutrition and exercise”. 

‘I remember when went through a break up with the mother of my children, I was in a bad place for a while, my Mindset was shot and I was depressed. I couldn't concentrate in and outside of work, my mind was all other the place."

I was mentally broke and didn't have a clue what to do.


It wasn’t always plain sailing...

Here’s a little bit about me and some of the struggles I've faced!


ASPIRING professional footballer to qualified investment adviser to independent fitness, health and wellbeing guru.


It’s safe to say my life and career trajectory has been rather more varied and unorthodox than most.


Jersey-born ex-banker and now founder and owner of Healthy Ever After - Health Hub which is packed full of goodness and life changing healthful information. 

Including the fundamentals of activity, the importance of nutrition and energy intake to help you maintain a healthy body and mind so you feel and look unreal.

Plus... lots of extra bonuses…. including online challenges, which focus on helping you lose weight, having more energy, getting you fitter, healthier and happier in a fun and enjoyable way.


Due to popular demand’s I am in the process of setting up - HEA Health Hub EXCLUSIVE memberships. A one stop online membership offering a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing (Mindset, Nutrition & Exercise), including a mixture of exercise challenges, yoga, mindset, tasty recipes plus some special guest experts too.


‘As a kid, I was always told that if you eat everything on your plate then you’ll get big and strong,’ ‘I was a very sporty kid so I could eat and do whatever I wanted. I didn’t have any need to understand anything else.

But then my circumstances changed – I got older, I had kids, I landed a sedentary office job – and that was when the weight started piling on.


‘My activity levels were pretty much non-existent but I was still eating and doing whatever I wanted when it came to food. I just assumed that, as you get older, you basically get fatter and less fit.

But that is soooo not true. And I’m here to help you with that.’

Hi I'm Ryan T Heath –

At one point I used to be a FAT & overweight depressed, inactive office worker...


Author - Qualified Fitness Professional & Fat Loss Specialist…

Sounds pretty impressive right?

But to be brutally honest...

I'm just an ordinary down to earth guy with humble upbringings who loves eating & helping change lives!

Over the years, I've spent a few quid on exams, wrote a couple of books & know a bit about eating, exercising & losing weight!

ALL the health benefits when you combine good nutrition & exercise you get both mentally & physically!

I also know it's a minefield jungle out there... confusing with a load of misleading contradicting rubbish being sprouted about just to earn money... do this, no do that... don't eat this, eat that, you have to do these exercise... only these supplements will work... blah blah blah!

I've been exactly where you are right now, overweight, lost with no idea where to start and how to lose weight & get in shape... don't worry I will guide you the way to be 100% successful with my proven REAL RESULTS plan that works.

My Mission - Reveal the BIG FAT SECRET…


I want you to feel re-energised, looking & feeling really good about yourself, loving the reflection you see in the mirror, changing YOUR Life forever to benefit you & your loved ones and to be winning in life!

Let's get you losing weight & in amazing shape!
Weight Loss | Results

‘A good friend said to me, “Why don’t you join a gym or get a coach?” I think my response was, “Why don’t you **** off?” (lol).

Back then, I thought gyms were full of posers and I didn’t want to go somewhere that was filled with meathead types, or at least that was my perception at the time. But my friend said “Come on, what have you got to lose?

You already feel down and depressed and exercising will make you feel good”.

So I gave it a go. I got a coach and I gradually came to realise that my perception was all wrong.’

Perceptions duly changed, I would go on to launch the popular Ryan T Heath online 30-Day Shift Challenge (more details on this further below)... as well as the HEA Health Hub including a series of successful challenges, along with health and wellbeing / recipe books which are in the shops.

It's all a long way from just a normal Jersey lad who grew up on a council estate, couldn’t spell’ and didn’t pay much attention in school.

Ryan T An Author?!

Not bad for someone who struggled to read and write...

Not Your Ordinary Cook Book

Healthy Meals In Half The Time

*Both books are now stocked on the shelves to purchase via Waterstones & WHS Jersey CI...

you can also loan them from the Jersey Library

Epiphany Moment


“I was a real lad and I had football on the brain. I was always really sporty and, back then, one of my dreams was to be a professional football player”.


Upon leaving school, however, I experienced ‘a bit of a shock’ as my planned footballing career failed to materialise.


‘I landed a sedentary office Job which I worked in for years. Problems arose, when the company asked me to perform work which was outside my remit – or, as a football-lover would say: ‘They started moving the goal posts.’


‘I was working long weekends and generally working far more hours than I was used to doing. It got to the point where, one weekend, I just thought, “You know what, I don’t want to do this anymore”. It was around 8pm on a Sunday and there I was sitting at my desk in the office all on my own. I thought, “I’ve had enough of this”. I decided I was done with the office lifestyle. The very next day I handed in my notice.’


‘Originally I’d wanted to go travelling with my ex when we were younger, however we had kids so we never went.’


But that weekend I thought to myself, “I’m in a position now where I can actually go travelling and see a bit of the world and reassess my life”. And so I did.’ Start of the epiphany moment!

Light Bulb Moment

And it was while trekking across the globe that I had a ‘lightbulb moment’ that led me to seeking a latter-day career in online Coaching - weight loss, fitness and mental health and wellbeing.

‘I’ve always enjoyed interacting with other people so during my travels I decided to go on a few health and wellness fitness retreats, I loved it. I loved the buzz that I got from it, and I thought, “I could do this to help others”. It was an epiphany moment.


‘I’d been in sedentary office job for years and, during that time, I’d learned nothing about nutrition and training,’ ‘A lot of people work in sedentary roles and it is a profession where you tend to be so busy that you neglect your health. I know I can help other people who’ve been in similar situations to me.


I started going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole trying to find stuff out and to educate myself about what was what.’

Determined to understand ‘the basics and principles’, I spent months conducting in-depth research online, a process which I admit was often frustrating and resulted in a minefield of unreliable and often contradictory information.

 “Nothing really changed until I put skin in the game... I invested in my health, paid for a coach and further education.

I’ve spent years researching, thousands on exams and travelling all over the UK learning and working with the best in the business”. 

I've done all the hard work for you.

Ryan's Passion & Mission

"My passion...

I love helping you lose weight with ease and boost your self-esteem so you love what you see & feel amazing both physically & mentally in your own skin "

“My mission is to reveal the BIG FAT SECRET and share my knowledge so you don’t have to face the same lengthy struggles as me and to help make a positive difference to your life both mentally & physically in a way that is easy for you to understand and implement without all the confusing BS.

I know exactly how you feel, I’m human just like you and I’ve been there myself".

I've also worked with & completed a load of top online coaches popular challenges. I've invested in some of the best in the business, learning and cherry picking out all the quality components so you can benefit. I've done the hard work for you and will share my top tips and new secrets to success - this is your short cut to getting you results, saving you time and money!

The tendency for people to compare themselves to others is, of course, particularly common within the world of health and fitness and it is a trait which I work hard to combat, both in myself and others".

Health before Wealth

Skin In The GAME

As a Parent

I now think like this...

What do we do when we want to help improve our children's education or achievements in life?

We get our wallets out and invest in additional resources online, a sports coach or school tutor, university etc...

No questions asked...


We want what’s best for our kids... right?

The crazy thing...

I've noticed over the years is we generally think we know best when it comes to our own progress and health. Unless it's job related we tend not to invest our time in our health but happily spend £100's or £1,000 on our pets, Sky, Netflix, takeaways, socialising, drinking etc.

I know... I was guilty of this myself but as I get older I am more aware and mindful of this.

I’ve come to realise without good health not only do we suffer... but the financial burden we bring on our family too - so it’s important to flip our way of thinking, budget and invest in our health to stay healthy and active for our own sanity and of course to spend precious time with our family along with the enjoyment of seeing our kids grow up. 


Putting skin in the game totally changes the game...

Find someone who's got the expertise, knowledge, resources and done all the hard work for you and invest in them... we do it for our kids now its time to invest in YOU!


I'm Ready To Invest

Woman’s 30-Day Weight Loss SHIFT Challenge here

Men’s 30-Day Weight Loss SHIFT Challenge here

Fear of Failure

“Like most people... do you start out with good intentions and fail?
The thing you struggle with is the knowledge and or accountability to help follow through so you give up.
Knowledge saves time... accountability helps with consistency and to get results.
The Challenges give you ALL that and so much more”!
Does this sound anything like you?

❌You're fed up with your weight yo-yoing

❌You've been through a hard time recently, a bereavement, a break up or something that has caused you a great deal of pain, stress, anxiety and your mindset is not in the right place

❌You feel completely demoralised when you’re so good for a week, but don’t lose any weight

❌You wonder what’s wrong with you?

❌Why is it so hard?

❌Why am I different?

❌Why does it not work for me?

You suspect you’re doing some things wrong (you’re just not 100% sure what & how to fix it)

You question why you don’t have the willpower to “stick at it” and why you feel so despondent about it all?

You're confused about what you should be following and what best advice you should be listening to.

So much of it is confusing and conflicting.

Your Fed up of feeling tired and emotional.

You’re not sleeping as well and you don’t have the energy you used to have.

At your lowest... you feel a failure and even find yourself avoiding social situations...

Either because you feel so crap about yourself or because you have no idea how to eat healthily AND have a social life you can enjoy without feeling guilty.

The reflection you see in the mirror is not you

You believe that losing weight and eating healthily means having to miss out

✅ You also recognise there are costs associated with being on this up-and-down rollercoaster journey

✅ You worry about your long term health and or what example you are setting for your children.

✅ You want to get off the rollercoaster ride and you're ready to ‘wiping the slate clean’ (in terms of what you thought you knew about exercise, dieting and nutrition) and starting anew.

✅ You're ready to commit and invest in your health

✅ You're ready to use a simple & effective system that actually works

✅ You need a distraction to take your mind off things and keep you focused on looking after your health to look and feel really good

An investment that's Guaranteed to get you Results if you do the work

Can you relate to anything I've said?


No matter where you are right now... I can help you

Time Is Precious

Now it's time you decide...

Time for you to take action...

Don’t procrastinate and delay, the challenge has


of LIFETIME access!

Become a Winner

Time for you to take action...

Don’t procrastinate and delay, the new LIFETIME access to the challenge is only available for a LIMITED NUMBER!

If you’re ready to invest and looking for a super easy bullet proof plan of action to help improve your Mindset, Nutrition, Training and to get real results then now’s the perfect time to invest in YOU!

Everything has been laid out in a logical order so it’s easy to understand & too help you get results in as little as just 30 days…


No gym equipment required so you can do it from the comfort of your own home too.

The 30-Day challenge is designed for anyone who is looking to SHIFT that Unwanted Stubborn Body Fat & Achieve The Transformation You’ve Always Dreamed Of - Without Restrictive Diets, Hours In The Gym, Or Lots Of Expensive Supplements!

Just think how good you will feel... this is your road map with the winning formula - you just need to start!

Do You Accept The Challenge?


Check to join below...

You're now ready to lose weight & UNLOCK your potential?

You're now ready to take your life back & get real results?

No matter where you are right now... I can help you, I've been there myself so I know exactly how you feel, fat, overweight, bloated, tired, fed-up, confused, overwhelmed & very frustrated.

If any of this sounds like YOU read on...

Woman’s SHIFT Challenge


Woman’s Weight Lose Challenge

(Click the button for LifeTime Access)


Men's SHIFT Challenge


Men’s 30-Day SHIFT Challenge
(Click the button for LifeTime Access)


Woman’s 30-Day Fat Loss SHIFT Challenge here

Men’s 30-Day Fat Loss SHIFT Challenge here

“I hope you found this healthful and look forward to helping you get in SHAPE and I wish you every success on your health and wellness journey”.


Ryan T Heath (Your Health & Fitness friend)

P.S. - Don't forget, you can and will Make It Happen...