2 - Quick Bit About Me

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Ignite: The Man Behind The Plan Reveals Allā€¦

We cornered Ryan to grill him on his inspiration for the program.

Will our probing questions or the HIRT moves get your legs trembling?

Read on to find out moreā€¦

1)What was your mission when you created Ignite?

Ryan: My mission was to design a bodyweight program that includes Dumbbells that caters for every skill level with a good mixture of variety. This program could be the starting point of your fitness journey or that new challenge that gets you motivated again to get results whilst having a good time along the way. I wanted to make sure I made this one as enjoyable as possible, while still delivering the results you deserve. To help prevent any overwhelm the challenge counts down daily so there always something to look forward to each day without being able to sneak off plan!

2)What makes this program unique?

Ryan: The beauty about this challenge is all the heavy lifting has been done for you! You literally just need to log in each day and do the work which is easily laid out for you, including the super easy to follow workout tutorialā€™s where I do them with you explaining what you need to do as we exercise. Anyone can do it and I mean anyone ā€“ it caters for all fitness levels, beginner through to advanced! Unsure what to lift? Iā€™ve got your backā€¦ there is a weights guide, accountability check inā€™s, trackerā€™s, a recipe book, meal planners and a tonne more things to make life super easy for you ā€“ I mean everything you need to get amazing results is there for you if you do the work!

3)Tell us about the process over the 30-Day challenge?

Ryan: The challenge is designed to kick-start your body into burning fat, with the workoutā€™s progressively getting more challenging each week to increase the burn. Introducing a variety of exercises that are great for toning your body and as we progress I switch up the tempo, amount of rounds and by bringing in more exercises to help get your even more fired up and toned.

4)What do you bring to the program?

Ryan: Accountability... and I'll bring a touch of my humour... knowledge... I also try to encourage throughout the challenge and throw in a small amount of entertainment along the way... to try and make the challenge process easier and a bit of fun too. You will be surprised how fast it goes ā€“ You know the saying: Time flyā€™s when youā€™re having fun... and you will be blown away by your results!

5)Is there any exercises you really struggled with?

Ryan: No I am like Superman (lol)! Joking asideā€¦ Yes - I have some old injuries in my shoulders, and I have tight legs from all the sports (football) I used to play when I was younger and never really did much stretching or recovery work. As Iā€™ve got older my mobility in certain areas are a bit more fragile or tightā€¦ so certain movements I will struggle with, especially the squat thruster press, lateral raises and lunges... to combat this I generally use lighter weights but light enough to still challenge me and to make sure my form is as good as it can be. I cover off more about form as we go through the challenge and there is a video in the Exercise Workouts Info Area under sub-section 5 - Form - The Importance Of Good Form & Technique too.

6)What do you say to those people who think you canā€™t get results without being a gym member or using gym equipment only?

Ryan: It depends on your goalsā€¦ but you can still get in good shape, fit and healthy with some basic equipment or without it. In this challenge I purposely use dumbbells to add some form of resistance training (HIRT) in Ignite (Phase 2 - SHRED & Phase 3 - STRONGER).  I also use bodyweight style training (HIIT) in (Phase 1 - SHIFT) which can help you get amazing results too. Look at gymnasts who have amazing physiques, with muscle and strength ā€“ most achieve this through bodyweight training.

7)Whatā€™s your dream meal after a training session?

Ryan: Ooooh, where do I start (haha)ā€¦ to be brutally honest I do love fish and chips or some form of a takeawayā€¦ but if I had them day in day out Iā€™d be the size of a house (moderation is key)! So it would have to be some form of protein meal, followed by my Fage protein mix (yum)! Getting some protein in that post-workout window can also help with feeling satisfied so you don't always crave snacking as much, recovery / sleep.

8)After a big week of Ignite, what does the perfect rest day look like?

Ryan: For me on rest days I tend to start off with a 2 minute cold shower for that dopamine hit I getā€¦ then I aim for some low impact movement, Iā€™ll often squeeze in a Relax and Release roller session inā€¦ the older I get the more I need to look after my muscles and body. Iā€™ll definitely be taking an active rest day by going for a walk (low impact on the joints and it costs nothing) to get some fresh air to clear the mind and to let my body recover for the week ahead.

9)What do you say if weā€™re sitting on our sofas watching Netflix, thinking about taking on Ignite, but we just canā€™t get up. Can I join you (lol). Jokingā€¦ what do you say to get us moving?

Ryan: As Nike would say - JUST DO IT! I am not affiliated with Nike, by the way (lol), joking aside just get up and get started! I guarantee you will have a giggle along the way. To be honest, I canā€™t remember the last time I regretted doing a workout, apart from when I got injured but thatā€™s a story for another day. The Good news is I will be there with you every step of the way, cheering you on. The workouts vary from around fifteen minutes up to forty as we progress through the weeks to keep challenging you ā€“ after all it is a challenge! So they are relatively quick and you can do them from the comfort of your own home or gym, you decide... you'll be done in next to no time and once done you can get back to Netflix in a flash ā€“ so what you waiting for?

10)Whatā€™s your top tip that will help us make it to the finish line and achieve our goals?

Ryan: Remember your why, write it down - download and use the SMART goals from the resources area to help map it out. Why are you doing this, and think of how happy you will be when you stick to the program and finish it. As Iā€™ve said, all the heavy lifting has been done for youā€¦ everything has been laid out to follow in logical order, all you need to do is just log in daily, be consistent with the exercise and recipes (done for your meal planners) and the results will follow in more ways than one! Not only will this help you get fitter, you will love the reflection looking back at you plus you will be mentality stronger too. No matter how big or small it is, write down your goal ā€“ decide why you are committing to this. Weā€™ve got the movements and results sorted for you, just trust the process and watch your success if you do the work! If you do the work and don't get results I will give you all your money back.

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