1 - Welcome To Fat Loss Made EASY!

Please watch the quick video and take a few minutes to read the info further below.

Fat Loss can be like a jigsaw but it doesn't need to be complicated!

IMPORTANT NOTE: You are unable to move on until you complete the course details in chronological order.

This is also an interactive course so feel free to add your comments, feedback in some areas if you wish.

As the name suggest Not Your Ordinary Cook Book is purposely very different to the average cook book. Taking a holistic approach to health and wellbeing in simple terms which is easy for you to read and digest (excuse the pun)!

Not only does it cover off everything in this course in more detail it also covers a variety of other topics too. Such as: mindset, motivation, stress, procrastination and so much more.

Plus you get the added bonus of some delicious recipes to enjoy along with some workouts from beginner through to advanced.

Packed full of goodness... just a chapter a day could potentially help keep the doctor away!


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