I've probably been in your shoes at some stage in my life... lots of ups and downs and even struggled with my weight! Come see how we can relate!

Hi I'm Ryan T Heath –

I used to be a FAT & overweight depressed, inactive office worker... to...

Author - Qualified Fitness Professional & Fat Loss Specialist…

Sounds pretty impressive right?

But to be brutally honest...

I'm just an ordinary down to earth guy with humble upbringings who loves eating & helping change lives!

Over the years, I've spent a few quid on exams, wrote a couple of books & know a bit about eating, exercising & losing weight!

And the health benefits when you combine good nutrition & exercise you get both mentally & physically!

I also know it's a minefield jungle out there... confusing with a load of misleading contradicting rubbish being sprouted about just to earn money... do this, no do that... don't eat this, eat that, you have to do these exercise... only these supplements will work... blah blah blah!

I've been exactly where you are right now, overweight, lost with no idea where to start and how to lose weight & get in shape... don't worry I will guide you the way to be 100% successful with my proven REAL RESULTS plan that works.

My Mission - Reveal the BIG FAT SECRET…


I want you to feel re-energised, looking & feeling really good about yourself, loving the reflection you see in the mirror, changing YOUR Life forever to benefit you & your loved ones and to be winning in life!

Let's get you losing weight & in amazing shape!
Weight Loss | Results

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